The Law of Attraction and You! How to Create a Life of Abundance

The Law of Attraction and You! How to Create a Life of Abundance


The Law of Attraction and You! How to Create a Life of Abundance teaches you the exact steps for drawing in and manifesting exactly that which you desire in your life, leaving all else behind. This course provides a step by step process for unleashing this unmistakable power and ability that is within every person and it provides the opportunity to witness its presence unfolding as your life becomes abundant. The Law of Attraction and You! How to Create a Life of Abundance trains you in how to tap into, apply and utilize the universal principle of Law of Attraction. It shows how to master the power of positive thinking for creating an abundant life and it shows the common ways you stifle, thwart or block this universal principle from freely flowing abundance into your life. 

You will leave The Law of Attraction and You! How to Create a Life of Abundance with a thorough understanding of how to shift your mindset, direct your thoughts, focus on abundance and create a fulfilling, abundant life filled with the things you love and desire. You will learn not just how to activate this universal principle when you want it but also how to live as this magnificent, creative force 24/7.  The Law of Attraction and You! How to Create a Life of Abundance fills us with overflowing gratitude as we witness the radical change in how and what we experience in life!

This course includes ongoing support ... see details below!

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The Law of Attraction and You!  How to Create a Life of Abundance 

Everyone wants to have a rich, rewarding, abundant life.   And we want to have this abundant richness settle into all areas of our lives:  financial stability, physical health, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, a rewarding professional career, a cherished family and intimate love life, a diverse selection of recreational outlets, an enjoyable and caring pool of dear friends, and a realization of our creativity and expression in the world.

 The Law of Attraction and You!  How to Create a Life of Abundance teaches the exact steps to bringing exactly these things, without delay, into your daily life.

The Law of Attraction and You!  How to Create a Life of Abundance course shows you, through direct experience of it yourself, that you are the conductor, the co-creator, the author of your life plan and you have the ability to bring and create anything you want into your life by deliberately and gainfully applying the important universal principles found in The Law of Attraction and You!  How to Create a Life of Abundance.

As perfectly designed, inherently abundant spiritual beings of infinite possibility, you have everything you need in the way of ability to bring exactly that which you want into your life and you are meant to do so. Most people either just don’t know how, don’t believe it can happen or don’t believe they deserve it to be so. You are meant to thrive in a rewarding, abundant life and you are meant to use all of your inherent abilities, including those that allow your abundant life to flow to you with ease, empowerment and perfection.

 As you begin to awaken this phenomenal ability, you will be blown away by its presence within you and the strength of your natural abilities to co-create all that you desire.

 Life is clearly rigged in our favor!  Join us and discover how to unleash the power and gratification of this phenomenal principle and ability in your life today!

The Law of Attraction and You!  How to Create a Life of Abundance 
1 evening class   6:00 – 9:30       $ 147

Bonus:  This course includes my Personal Group Coaching Package where you join in on live monthly calls to bring your questions, struggles, issues or celebrations of success and get 1 on 1 support, feedback and guidance for 12 months 

2022 Session Schedule:

February 16th                  May 4th                      July 9th                    October 5th