Healing, empowerment and renewal through meditation, self awareness, and intuitive development...

Richer Life Journey is a meditation, energy healing and spiritual wellness center focused on self awareness, personal growth, emotional healing and intuitive development.  We offer counseling, energy healing, intuitive readings, meditation classes and programs for developing intuition and self awareness. Our clients gather tools and methods for overcoming life’s difficult challenges and building a solid  foundation for a rich, abundant life journey grounded in purpose, peace, happiness, and lasting fulfillment. 

We offer:

Powerful Energy Healings 

Our center offers a broad range of energy healing modalities that bring health and balance to all layers of your being.  Our healings often bring intuitive messages and guidance that assist you on your healing and personal growth journey.

Coaching & Counseling

As well, Richer Life Journey offers highly effective one-on-one counseling services that help you heal wounds, eliminate limiting beliefs or negative self talk and leave behind repeated, unhealthy life patterns so you can step forward into the healing and wholeness of living a dynamic, rewarding and compelling life.

Seminars and Workshops

Our lineup of informative workshops and seminars lead clients to healing, empowerment and renewal as you discover the totality of your holistic makeup, the enormity of the power that lies within and the methods for living a life of rich happiness and peace.  We have meditation classes and a broad range of seminars & workshops for personal growth, self awareness and developing intuition.


Through energy healing, personal counseling, and compelling courses on meditation, intuitive development and self awareness, you experience healing and empowerment at the deepest level as you connect with the profound gifts and strengths found at your inner core. As well, you will gain an important understanding of your holistic energy nature, why it's important, how you impact it and how it all affects your happiness, wellbeing and overall quality of life!


At Richer Life Journey, you create a dynamic, meaningful and richly rewarding life as you:

  • Grow in awareness and peace by identifying & releasing repeated, unhealthy life patterns & choices

  • Enjoy the power of positive thinking by transforming negative thoughts & limiting beliefs

  • Experience the ultimate freedom that comes from unearthing personal blocks and hidden stuck points

  • Live a stress free life by turning worry, doubt and fear into peace, knowingness and inspiration

  • Bring lasting healing to the emotional wounds and scars that still bind you and hold you back

  • Savor the harmony and fulfillment found in meaningful, thriving relationships you’ve learned to nurture

  • Connect deeply to your life meaning & purpose through greater clarity, perspective and inner guidance​

  • Celebrate the power, passion and purpose that is uniquely yours

  • Feel the empowerment and security of developing unwavering confidence and self esteem

  • Claim the abundance you desire by learning the precise steps for drawing it to you

  • Move from struggle and hardship to a life flow of ease, harmony and balance

  • Understand your holistic energy system: what it is, how you impact it and why it’s important to you

  • Renew your excitement and zest for life by witnessing the wonder, awe and limitless potential of you

  • Discover the abundant, life transforming benefits of connecting to the rich, spiritual reservoir within

Featured offerings

For those recovering from a broken relationship or personal trauma.

Download this free PDF here

Host a fun Holistic Energy Party with your friends & learn all about your chakras & aura!

Get the details >

Change lives forever.

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We care!

Our highly trained staff offers a broad range of resources for today’s sophisticated client who seeks the very best therapeutic resources and whole-person approach to wellness through the integrated treatment and healing of mind, body, and spirit.  Throughout your time at Richer Life Journey, you will feel honored and valued by our warm, caring staff as you deepen your growth and enjoy your journey in healing, empowerment and renewal.

Our Passion

Our passion is to provide an enriching environment where practical tools and powerful programs lead you to dynamic growth, wholeness and to your own innate personal and spiritual power.  Everyone deserves to experience the power present within and the life changes this brings!

As you awaken inherent inner gifts, gain mastery of your holistic human energy system and build life-changing internal structures that restore clarity, confidence and exhilaration, your life is transformed.

We are honored and grateful to share time with you.  Our diverse canvas of programs and services lead people to enjoy a far Richer Life Journey!

Join us today!